So I think it is interesting to have watched both the process and the outcome of the new National Security Team for the new Obama White House. I don't know if I have ever seen more experience and a bipartisan approach in the formation of such a team. Both Republican and Democrats are there, both with lots of international experience. So I would be interested in hearing from others (on both sides of politics) regarding your thoughts.
It seems that Gates was a very good pick for now as he has really helped stabilize things out of the chaos in Iraq (still bad, but better than it was). There has been some criticism about bringing the Washington folks in when Obama implied otherwise...but I believe it is about leadership and the provision of strong advice so that very informed decisions can be made about very difficult issues (for example, Middle East and Israel, Russia and its more aggressive behavior, Pakistan and India and instability there, Al Qaeda and how do deal with issues related...can the leader be found?, making the UN a much more effective entity, engaging with Iran, N Korea and Venezuela rather than ignoring their rantings, dealing with America's lower stature in the world which resulted from decisions of the Bush White House, issues about the Geneva Convention, cell phone tapping of Americans, undocumented workers from the Central and South American countries, the immoral prisons in which so many people are still held without charge, some for over five years...lots of issues).
So I am very very impressed with the new team at this point. Lots of experience, lots of motivation to do well... What do you think?
What about Hillary (I know the Republican side of politics has not really been in favor of her in the past). But what about for Secretary of State? Also we now have a third female Secretary of State out of the last and no white males there since 1992, I this saying something (or not)?
See the following news items regarding the team and their backgrounds:
Obama Introduces Clinton, National Security Team
Obama taps Clinton, Gates for US 'new dawn' abroad
Any thoughts are welcome as long as they are respectful of other's comments...