Saturday, January 24, 2009

Potential get together for Mom's 95th!!!

So what do you think? Should we try planning something for our mom's/grandmother's 95th birthday party? This will happen in late August this year. Any ideas/support or less support/interest or less interest/location/time?

Something to consider....

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Where's Belva?

Hey Belv - I have called several times over the holidays trying to talk with you before the big trip. Where are you? When do you travel to Europe? Call your brothers before you go.

Love Ya - Have a memorable 2-years,

Your Brother Bill

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration Day

I am most excited about our Nation's new start.

I spent the day in the high desert with beautiful clear skies. much snow, still winter air. I could see mountains in Idaho, Wyoming, and Montana over 50 miles in all directions. As the sun appeared, 2 coyotes hiding nearby sang a few notes. We live in a beautiful land.

Tonight, Ginger and I attended an Inauguration Party downtown by the falls. We watched the ceremony on a large screen - most of us with tears of confidence and hope.

A good day for this country ...

Love Ya All, Bill

Where would you time travel to?

Hi Everyone!

Well, finally settled after moving. We love being here so far! It's so great to be close to Nick and Emily and have an adventure on the east coast. Very cool!

So I love the question of the week thing. And it looks like we haven't had one in a while so I'll start one up.

I like the time period that I'm living in. I don't think that I would want to live my life in a different decade but I would love, love to have a month or so "vacations" in many times and places. Amoung many things:

*I would like to meet Jan Vermeer, the Dutch artist. Not much is known about him and his work is so lovely and touching. I would like to get to know more about him.
*I would like to meet my parents when they were in college. It would be such a riot for me to see them in the 60's.
*Selfishly, I would like to see what I was like as a little girl, pre-teen, and teen.
*I read a book called The Doomsday Book (have any of you read that? Pretty interesting.) It's sci-fi but not too sci-fi. It's based in the future where students from an English university time travel to the 1300's, with the plague and such. That would be a interesting thing to see for me. When everything that you do throughout the day has to do with your basic survivial. Very interesting.

Okay, so my question is: Where would you like to time travel to?

Hope all is well!
Kathy B.

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