Potential get together for Mom's 95th!!!
So what do you think? Should we try planning something for our mom's/grandmother's 95th birthday party? This will happen in late August this year. Any ideas/support or less support/interest or less interest/location/time?
Something to consider....
In Canada!
We're in!
That might be a little tricky for us now that we are on the east coast.
Probably no for us but hope you all have a great time!
My b-bay is the day after hers so you can count me in!
Also like dark chocolate cake and thai food.
23 by the way
we may or may not be able to come, depending on the location. sounds fun, though! i hope we can come!
i love dark chocolate and thai food, too!!
Harold sugested we might meet in Rockaway and use my family's cabin as a base of operations. This is OK with me. We havent had a chance to remodel it yet but the new garage/family gathering area is complete. If people don't mind camping out all over the house/garage we can put up a lot of people cheeply. Grandma may want to stay someplace nicer, or maybe not. We can at least discuss it.
Chocolate for everyone who comes (and maybe even for those who don't)
Sounds fun! I wish we could attend. I didn't mean to sound unfriendly in my previous post. I already have plane tickets to go visit my sister in August for 10 days so the timing is bad for me.
Keep us informed and we will try to see if we can swing it.
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