Monday, December 15, 2008

Topic for the Week: Dec 15

With Christmas in the air, I have been feeling nostalgic, so here is a question in that line:

What is a favorite memory of your childhood? Or, what was your favorite toys or thing to play when you were little? Does not have to be Christmas.


Uncle Bill

Well - I remember when Harold threw a pair of scissors at me while wrapping presents and they stuck in my ear.

Also, one Christmas Eve while laying in bed sucking on a Christmas light bulb (red one, surely all kids do this?) it broke inside my mouth. Without chewing, I managed to wake up Dad who helped remove the glass remains.

While in Klamath Falls, OR visiting the Schenks, Norm and I opened his bedroom window and shot out "a lot" of his Dad's outside Christmas lights on Christmas Eve with a cool BB gun. We were bored and he got mad.

I also remember a red fire engine, a new crossbow under the tree, and snow in Eugene.

And no, I did not make any of this up.


What funny stories! (I am sure I would not think they were funny if they were my kids doing these things)

My favorite toy growing up was those fisher price little people- I used to line them up all along the top of the tv before I went to bed.

One favorite Christmas was when my grandmother's boyfriend gave us all rubber band guns (I was probably 15) and everyone (including my uncle, parents, grandmother, little siblings) had a rubber band gun fight all over the house

Every Christmas I used to get up really early to peek at the stockings stuff- those were fair game. We'd get up about 3 or 4, sneak to get our stockings, take them back to our bedrooms, go through the loot, open and eat candy, swap items if we wanted, then sneak back to put them back in place and go back to bed and back to sleep. (one year the difficulty was increased as my parents were sleeping on the pull out couch in the living room due to guests in their bedroom) Then Christmas morning when we got our stockings and poured them out and there were little wrappers and opened items and we pretended to be suprised.


How fun to hear your memories!!! And Bill you are just so sneaky and funny. Why would you be sucking on a light bulb?

One quick memory was laying awake with Tina and Kathy and listening very carefully to hear Santa's sled. It was a crisp, clear night and Kath was so excitted. And it really seemed like we heard bells.

I have really fond memories of Nick opening gifts. He is the best gift opener ever. He is the perfect actor of excittment and I love when he does a happy Pants dance! It always makes me smile just thinking about his pants dance. Oh....but I also remember having to wait and wait for Nick to finish his paper route before anyone could open gifts or even see the tree. I guess we could have been nice and helped! Duh...

It was great when we lived in Provo and my parents and Nan and Kath showed up Christmas morning instead of later in the week when I thought they were coming. It was such a fun surprise! Nick and Em lived in Provo too and they came over. My parents gave us the worst game ever, and when we tried to play it we were laughing so hard because it was so, so lame. We kept reading the instructions to see if we were doing something wrong. Typical Mom kept trying to make new rules to improve the game but we wanted none of that. For some reason I remember just laughing so hard. Do any of you remember that? I bet you do, Emily. I dont remember the name of the game but I know I just got rid of it not that long ago!!!

Uncle Bill

Why was a Christmas tree light bulb in my mouth? I was a little kid and it was cool!

I also remember when we surprised Mom and Dad when Janice, Glen, Marg, and I arrived at Sisters. We dropped some of us off down by Paul's then drove the rest of the way to the house. Janice walked in a few minutes later. Good times!


Yes Christmas has so many memories and it keeps happening. Though we have had Christmas in many places it is interesting to hear that "traditions" kind of get made and that the children (in this case Kai and Jono) start talking about their memories and good times as traditions. On Xmas eve we decorated ginger bread cookies a tradition that my mom began in the 40's. Lots of fun and so good to eat...

We have had hot xmas's (close to 100 degrees in OZ sitting all day by and in our tropical pool). We also had snowy times at Sisters and Tahoe with dumps of snow like this year (almost 100 inches of snow in a week at Tahoe this year!).

Yes I remember the scissors scene. As some may know...Bill loved to pick on me for many years (till I got bigger) and I remember being real mad and yes I threw them in desperation. Pretty dumb and dangerous...but kids do things.

I do remember the day we all got wooden skis when I was five and this started a lifestyle/sport that I still love to this day.

I love how into it most all of our family has always been...It really brings our families together.

We have focussed on my mom for the four years in which we have been back in the US (including this year with her in Hawaii!!!). We have also had I believe nine years of fun xmas experiences over Kai's 11 years with his birth grandparents Ian and Merran from Australia (including this year also in Hawaii).

Great times of great memories...


When I was very young and my brother Gary and cousin Jill were younger yet. We used to Traditionally get the whole family together on Christmas Eve. Actually we still do but its quite a bit different now.
Any way, after dinner, we would all go down into the basement and wait for Santa. Invariably, some one wouldn't be able to hold it any longer, and would have to sneak up to the bathroom and of course would get trapped in the bathroom when Santa arrived. We would all be in the basement and hear big footsteps above in the living room. Then after a period of silence the person trapped in the restroom would descend into the basement, and recount the sights as they peeked through the door. We would all rush upstairs to find our presents and gloat over how we'd fooled Santa into thinking we were all asleep.
I can still remember the Christmas, when I was old enough to be the one who sneakeed up to the bathroom.


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