Friday, November 14, 2008

BO and Family Pets

I like the nickname "Bo". It is simple and easy to say. It is not insulting or negative. I am assuming that if Emily ment B.O. (as in body oder) she would have said B.O. I might even go as far as to call him P. Bo for President Obahma. That's a pretty hip nickname!

An as for the pig....Pet pigs are very, very smart and people love their pet pigs. I was referring to his comment about lipstick on pigs. That seemed to have really helped his campaign so I thought honoring a pig as a pet made sense. It is all in good fun!

Afterall, we don't have any laws (yet) that says we can't joke around about our President and his pets.

I'm off to Tahoe this weekend with a friend and her kids and mine. I'm so excitted. Talk to you next week.


Eric Richins

I like P. bo pronounced (pee bow). Kinda like P.ber (PBR).

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