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Baby Kelly & Grandpa

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Bill..beautiful photos. What was your favorite place there? What was the temperature? What's the population of Finland? Favorite foods there? Is it mostly rural or are there large cities of more than 1 million? Curious KathyR
yes, beautiful pictures! how long was your trip? it was a work trip, right? did you have time to have fun, too?
are those finger sandwiches? (that's meant to be a joke.)
Hi Tina -
My trip to Finland was just 8 days for work. We had one whole day free to see Helsinki and a half day to see Porvoo (2nd oldest city in Finland). Cool sandwiches I saw in an indoor market. Little sausages in a bun, not fingers. Best meal I had in Finland was raindeer - yes tell your kids they don't bring presents but they do get to be dinner.
Finland is beautiful, lots of trees, very clean, more so than US, neat smaller houses. The best part of Finland is that everything is "less" - we in US tend to do everything big, huge in fact. In Finland, thier things are efficient, not extravagant. I am ready to move.
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