Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Kelly is awesome!

Heh, Kelly. That is sooooooo cool about your Environmental Camp! I/we are so proud of you! You are doing awesome things to uphold the Richins name -- teaching young children to respect and enjoy their environment. You must be so proud, Bill and Ginger, of the great job you have done raising two very independent individuals who value the wonderful beauty that has been put on this earth for us all to discover! How awesome! I just wish our kiddos were there in Portland to take part in your exciting walks and hikes, Kelly. I think that is so impressive also that you had such a positive writeup in The Oregonian. The next time we are in Portland, will you remind me to get your autograph before your head gets too big, huh? Ha! Ha!
Here's a photo of the Skydive I made Nov. 9th. It was so fun. I went with a co-worker and a group of about six other people celebrating her birthday. I felt as free as a bird, enjoying the feeling of wind in my face and the unusual quiet all around as I fell through the air taking in the gorgeous North Oahu coastline framed by a rainbow. So nice.
Then, this past weekend, I took the boys to see The Sound of Music at a local all girls high school. They did an excellent job, and Kai liked it so much that I had to tell him to "sing in your head" when he started singing along with the song, "My Favorite Things." Ha! Ha! (I used to sing that to them at bedtime.)
It's been great catching up with you all here on this blog. This is an entirely new experience for me, and I like finding out more about you all. We certainly don't share political points of view, but it is nice to know what is happening in your families. Harold and I are writing a children's book, "Difference is a Good Thing" and I think our families show how it gets us all "going" when we share different points of view. I think it is a very good thing. Thanks everyone for being so open with your different points of view. All the best to you all. Love, Kathy R.



What an awesome photo! I think I see my sister's house! ;0)

Wishing I was in Hawaii now... (it snowed here last night- just a dusting but still!)


We just watched The sound of Music this past week and I am hearing the songs daily too!!! How funny.

Then on Thursday was my book club where we were picking books for all of next year, I suggested we read the "real" story of the Von Trapp family. So Sometime next year I'll know all about Maria and the fam!

Uncle Bill

Great shot Kathy.

No. 1 rule about sky diving = the ground is hard at high speed.

No. 2 rule = don't let Harold pack your chute.



I read your comment on Kathy's jump....Yes Hawaii is tough weather wise...I am sitting here out side on our porch in my shorts writing this...but we have had very very strong winds lately and lots of rain. Waikiki, however seems to always have great sunsets.

Anyone who wants to should come visit for a vacation. We have had Glen and Tara, Margaret and Kevin and family (twice) and my mom is coming for Christmas. Also lots of other friends have come to visit while we have been living here...


kathy, i love the expression on your face! that photo is so great!! do you skydive regularly? that's something i'll never do--i'm scared of heights. (but totally impressed that you did it!!)

Put Lavender On It!

Kathy is crazy! She jumping out of airplanes!


Dear all who responded to this photo,
It's great to hear your comments. Emily, where does your sister live in Hawaii? Have you visited? When are you guys coming to visit us? You're most welcome anytime.
Stepi, That's so cool that you were just watching the Sound of Music also. Let me know about the book. I hear the real Maria wasn't quite as nice and a real taskmaster.
Bill, Great rules! Yes, I'll have the professionals pack my chute.
Tina, Yes! I laughed most of the whole way and had a huge smile on my face. It was my first jump, but I've always wanted to do that. I may do it one or two more times, but it is so expensive, it will not be a regular thing.
Kelly...great to hear from you. I'll answer your main blog.
Love to all. Kathy


My sister lives in Laie, very close to the PCC and Temple. My brother in law works for BYU Hawaii. We visited 4 years ago when I was expecting Max. We are always planning a trip back, but with having to buy 6 plane tickets I'm not sure it will happen anytime soon as tickets have been up close to $1,000 each.

I keep checking the ticket prices, though. (just checked them last night) and if I stumble upon a deal like last time ($350/ticket) you can bet I'll snag it.

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