Wednesday, November 12, 2008

BYU Physics professor fired after 20 years for investigating 9-11

Some startling research,

Check out Steven Jones, BYU physics professor researches chemical and organic compounds at site of World Trade Centers.

Also check out the BYU website...

especially his first two written articles on the page...

  • S.E. Jones, et al. "Fourteen Points of Agreement with Official Government Reports on the World Trade Center Destruction", Open Civil Engineering Journal, April 2008.
  • K. Ryan, J. Gourley and S.E. Jones, "Environmental Anomalies at the World Trade Center: Evidence for Energetic Materials", Environmentalist, August 2008.

  • there are a lot more to look at.
    Very interesting. I am only interested in the science he has to offer. I think he lost his job after 20 years of teaching.
    Has anyone met this guy?
    I hope to see you all soon.


    Uncle Bill

    Hi Eric -

    Buildings do indeed fall just from fire. And Steven Jones is a nut on a mission.

    The planes did it! Sorry to burst this bubble.

    Skepticism is a great thing in a democracy.

    I am disturbed by the current common idea that the "media" have some obligation to our country. No where in the founding documents will you find the establishment of a media side of our government, no newspaper/tv/radio branch. The media is just a way for people to make money. They have the right to be honest, deceptive, provocative, entertaining, silent, one-sided, or to dramatically stretch the truth. Competition is the only part of media that tends to keep them on track.


    Eric Richins

    I just wanted to know if you or anyone reading knew anything about this guy. If this was worth looking further into. Mostly because a huge amount of Americans are wondering the same thing. Don't believe me? Ask a college student in Washington.

    My main concern is that people are still responding to scientific investigation in a way that inhibits our technical understanding. As you may have noticed even yourself did not respond with actual information, you simply called him a nut job. Which is understandable but still i have yet to hear a logical explanation to the questions he has posed.

    There was no bubble to be burst here, sorry. I was just presenting some information. No theories for you, just some issues for discussion.

    You can't assume I'm creating paranoia for myself about this. I am simply sharing some topics of conversation that has been talked about in the science community at my school.
    I thought you might have some practical information to share on structural engineering that would shed some insight to an issue that presents it's self here in Washington. Such as what makes a steel building fall in on it's self at near free-fall speed?

    I don't think that media has any real obligation to our country. But I do think most Americans are easily influenced by people who use emotionally packed words to talk about an issue or to avoid it completely.

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