Topic for week of Nov 15 - The New President
My first try of putting a post on the RFN blog didn't work so I am updating the first post with the following...
I have created a topic area called "New President" where we can possibly have postings and comments about the politics of the "44th" president. So I have put one in which I invite comments or other postings.
Just a few more thoughts on the new directions our country may be taking. There were many many articles written in this last week's Newsweek on "44." I thought a few captured quite well the sentiment. I also thought the Richins Blog might be interested in these. Any thoughts would be interesting to hear. See the following:
My first try of putting a post on the RFN blog didn't work so I am updating the first post with the following...
I have created a topic area called "New President" where we can possibly have postings and comments about the politics of the "44th" president. So I have put one in which I invite comments or other postings.
Just a few more thoughts on the new directions our country may be taking. There were many many articles written in this last week's Newsweek on "44." I thought a few captured quite well the sentiment. I also thought the Richins Blog might be interested in these. Any thoughts would be interesting to hear. See the following:
An Epic Moment, Yes. But Transcendent? No.
Which discusses the important message Obama offered to the voters.
Bring On the ‘Reality- Based Community’
A key article articulating the importance of science vs creating our own reality.
With a Little Help From Our Kids
Which talks about the changing demographics and shift in the makeup of America and its people and the importance this had on the election.
Which discusses how most "Americans still identify themselves as conservatives than as liberals" but that there is a shift of how this is viewed toward the future.
harold, do you know how to hyperlink those links? i can't edit it for you, since i'm not the author. (not that it's a big deal to cut and paste, but i'm lazy and love to just click!)
also, that last link didn't work for me.
interesting articles, though.
Hey Little Brother - how about posting your own thoughts? I know I will be ecstatic to have a President that will end the useless war in Iraq, will create an energy policy that is more than just "drill baby drill", will stand for human rights rather than torture, and can speak in whole sentences. Only 60 more days with the cowboy in office. And we don't have to listen to "You Betcha" anymore!
I expect Obama to be one of 3 or 4 best and most effective Presidents in our Nation's history. Given a chance - the best in our life time. Hurray - good times are ahead for the USA...
i'm happy to get rid of bush, too! he's just an embarrassment! and i'd love to end this war! i'm happy to have our first black president. i think the media has gushed over him so much, though, that it will be impossible for him to live up to their expectations. we'll see! i'm afraid he'll approach the economy in a way that i won't like.
it certainly won't hurt to have an articulate and charismatic man to represent our country, especially abroad.
Thanks for the comments and interesting point of view. I believe I have now learned how to put in the hyperlinks...see the update, including the fourth article.
thanks, harold!
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