Saturday, November 15, 2008

I probably used BO and B.O. both- those are His initials, aren't they? Sorry they refer to something offensive. I like the nickname P-Bo- kind of hip, like J-Lo

I thought throwing out a post about what type of dog would break the tension- didn't mean to create more


Uncle Bill

Hi Emily - no added tension, I love talking about dogs. And don't take my little brother too seriously. We don't! And he has no dog....

Eric Richins

I think you are awesome cuz!

No tension here.



Hi Emily, Sorry if you felt any tension, just some thoughts to consider on how we use acronyms...

On dogs, I do like dogs...when we lived in Tahoe for two great years we sort of adopted our next door neighbor's dog and our kids loved him...We miss him a lot. His owner owned a restaurant so we normally had him with us at night and he stayed in our back yard...we took Sammy for many walks and river jumps.

So yes keep discussing dogs...

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