Interesting the need we all have for nicknames. After being saddled with Jr. at the end of my official name on my birth certificate and William (are you Bill, Billy, Willy, William?, I have been all these), we selected names for our two kiddos that are short and have no common nicknames. For the same reason, one of my best friends is actually “Tommy” on his birth certificate and Passport.
Now, Emily has selected BO for President-elect Barack Obama – that is actually an acronym, or just a short version of his initials. I often go by WR. At our lab, we have a document of official acronyms that is almost 400 pages! I have usually called our current President, “Junior” or “43”. He is after all the 43rd.
Did you know that no President has had a last name ending is an “a” until now.
Don’t forget to watch “You Betcha” on Larry King tonight.
I love acronyms and I know Nancy does too. But there are so many used now and on the internet that I cant figure out what they all mean. Like LOL, which is always used online. I always thought it ment lots of laughter or even lots of love but I just read that it means laugh out loud.
I have never had a nickname that has stuck. My kids however, seem to end up with nicknames that have little to do with their names.
Jonah is often called Gunga. Sasha is Sushi or Sausage and Simon is Mr. Mister Spomoni Pants Mr. mister for short. Gretta is mostly Gretta Lou!
My river guide friends call me Monkey.
We always have nicknames for our babies- it is hard to call a little tiny baby but a full grown up name right away. Abby was 'baby adorable', Zac was 'baby newie', Max was 'Mr Magoo or baby goo' and Zoe is 'pretty princess'.
It is confusing to get mail/phone calls/insurance issues when Nick is actually Carl. We still get mail for AARP and phone calls all the time for estate planning and retirement seminars. I swore I'd never do that to my kid. Then we turned around and did it to Max. I mean Samuel.
I guess we can call president elect Barak Obama PEBO for the next two months. There are so many acronyms right now ( and going forward I'm sure) because of all the typing and shortcuts for texting
I think parents should make sure their kids name should not be able to be made into an offensive acroynm. How do you think I like EEEEW? Ok, just EW but I always pronounce it EEEW in my head. Wait, I married into that one. My sister's initials were LBS and her friends used to call her 'pounds'
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